Project Background

  • December 16, 2011


Within developing countries, the technological age has resulted in a rapid increase in use of electronics such as computers, computer accessories and mobile technology 원랜디. With the use of these systems, comes the generation of waste which has left states in a predicament to determine environmentally sound methods of disposal Securecrt Hangul.


Electronic Waste, commonly known as e-waste is a pervasive and persistent challenge on a global level given the shortened life-span of electronic products due to increased rates of obsolescence League of Titans. The challenge around e-Waste disposal is compounded by the fact that such waste is labelled as hazardous, containing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 남남괴담 다운로드. The toxicity of these pollutants creates a dilemma, as when burnt, land filled or recycled in uncontrolled environments can lead to serious health and environmental damage Download Talking Ben.


Given the quantity of e-waste generated within Trinidad and Tobago and the Region annually, there is a need to examine and develop innovative ways to handle, recycle and/or dispose of this hazardous material Download The Fighting King Baki.


The Community HUB, with a mission to enhance youth and community capacity in the area of technology, arts, enterprise programming and environmental concerns seeks to contribute to increasing the awareness of the issue of electronic waste – locally, Regionally and globally Long-term download of M-Games.

Most companies want to dispose of their e-waste responsibly so they seek out an electronics recycler, or an asset recovery company. Unfortunately, all too often these e-waste recyclers are not recyclers at all..The Following video shed some light on the eWaste recycling industry and its indiscretions:

Responsible eWaste disposal: Basel Action Network E-Waste Film



The video below gives a brief history of this eWaste phenomena:

Story of Stuff, Full Version



The following video gives insight on where most eWaste is taken and what happens to it:

The Truth of eWaste